
Horse people know the saying, “No hoof, no horse.” Well, the same rings true for your horse’s back. For your horse to be able to carry your weight and do everything you ask to the best of its ability, your saddle must fit well with its natural conformation, allowing it to move freely.

The FREEDOM Holistic Saddles patented tree is designed not only for the comfort of your horse, but to stimulate the back muscles and actually improve ability to perform. Our unique, flexible tree allows your horse’s back to move naturally while massaging the muscles.

Here’s what makes the FREEDOM Holistic tree more comfortable than other saddle trees on the market.

Standard Tree

Straight Bars

Most horse owners are surprised to learn the sides of the horse’s back where the saddle sits is straight—not curved like the Nike swoosh. A saddle with curved bars digs into a horse’s back. The FREEDOM Holistic tree bars are straight in accordance with equine conformation.

Soft, Resilient Padding

The bars of the FREEDOM Holistic tree are covered with a soft, resilient padding with no uncomfortable lumps.

Flexible Bars

The tree has a controlled amount of flex, similar to the leaf springs on your car. This flex allows the horse’s back to round and for the points to lift when the rider posts. The saddle has spring, rhythmically releasing pressure over the horse’s withers. It conforms to the horse in movement and maintains an even load spread across the bottom of the saddle.

Custom Fit

The FREEDOM Holistic tree allows for a more custom fit for your horse, ensuring ultimate comfort. And when the saddle fits, the girth doesn’t need to be as tight to hold the saddle in the correct position. Without such a tight girth, the saddle is able to move with horse, massaging the back muscles.

Semi-Flex Tree

The semi-flex saddle is unique. It provides optimum comfort for your horse and you the rider. To achieve this, the saddle moves with the horse and allows the rider to feel and connect with that movement. The saddle flexes with the horse’s spine and does not restrict the normal curvature and movement of the spine. Therefore, the horse is able to maintain natural balance, and the rider will feel connected.

Ultra-Flex Tree

Designed in conjunction with a saddle fitting expert from Walsall, England, the ultra-flex tree is the most conventional looking of all the flexible saddles currently on the market and is indistinguishable from a traditional treed saddle. It also has a twist similar to treed saddles.